Community Assignment Reflection

Man am I glad that is over! 
I ended up in two Facebook groups about DIY nails at home. One group was for the Dip nail system and one group was a hodge podge of all nail systems. I quickly realized that one group had a great admin that was on top of trying to fuel conversation while the other had a MIA admin. However, the name of one group was very misleading and I found myself questioning the true purpose of the group and why many members were there. 
Overall, I picked up a few tips and tricks and learned why I always seemed to get sick the day after I did my dip nails at home (apparently there is something called the 'dip flu'....not an actual's an allergic reaction). I'm getting better at dong my own nails and will probably continue to do them at home. However, I won't be staying in at least one of these groups. If I stay in the other one, I will remain as a lurker. I think for me, I can find what I need via YouTube and Google for the most part. I don't think I really need that sense of a community....I'm not that into this nail thing...not yet anyway :)

In less than a few months...I've acquired these supplies. My stash is growing.....
The set I did this week. I keep them short but use tips. I got fancy with the glitter tips:)


  1. I had a similar experience with my groups where I really enjoyed one of them and will probably continue to participate in it. On the other hand, I couldn't wait to be released from the other one! Even if one of the groups was a bit chaotic, it sounds like a fun topic to spend two weeks in and your nails look good! I know a lot of my friends and coworkers have been complaining about not being able to go get their nails done due to COVID-19.

  2. What a fun topic for your groups! I felt the same way about the initial groups I joined. I could not wait to get out of them and really started to get stressed from all the drama. I felt like I could get what I wanted out of those groups from other sources instead. The second set of groups I joined were much more enjoyable and I plan to stay as part of the communities. I think I will even stop lurking in one group and actually get involved with the different posts.

  3. I am now totally intrigued about the paper. Can't wait to read it.


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