Blogging.... I just can't keep up.....

I'm literally between online Live sessions for my own students as I am freaking out about how I have my own classwork to do also beyond all the things I have to do to close out the year for them. I think to myself Now I know why I stopped blogging in the first place.....I could never keep up. It's a silly thought because blogging isn't about "keeping" up. It's not a chore. I used to have a blog when my children were toddlers. I blogged about raising triplets. It kept me sane and helped me share my love of writing at a time when I didn't have much adult contact. But it was hard to "keep up". And here I am again, feeling it hard to "keep up". So, what's the secret? How do those in the blogging world find the time and motivation to "keep up"?


  1. No advice, just sharing you are not alone. Blogging is one more thing to get done. We only have so many hours in our day and with each thing we add, something else has to give. (At the end of the school year, sometimes that is sleep!) I think though, your last sentence holds part of the answer. How do bloggers find the time and motivation? I think we FIND the time when we are motivated. But, oh, to find the motivation when so many other things are demanding our attention!

  2. Has it gotten any easier? I'm seeing a voice emerge.
    It may, however, be a lot like your Etsy experience (works for a period, when conditions are right, but not at other times).


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