Chapter 7: Networked Work (Just simply Notes and highlights from the Chapter)

Key notes from : Rainie, L. and Wellman, B. (2012). Networked: The new social operating system. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

* many people work in global economy by fostering networked work as they participate in multiple teams and do so in networked organizations where workers may be physically and organizationally dispersed. 

Fostering the turn to Networked work in Networked organizations:
* globalization of work, consumerism, and travel has expanded and diversified the reach of companies. workers and companies are in contact with more customer and workers.

* shift in developed countries from atom work to bit work
           1. atom work- growing, mining, making, transporting (material economy)
           2. bit work- selling, describing, analyzing things (information economy)

* shift to networked work and organizations happened before internet and mobile revolutions, but they have accelerated the shift

* internet allows people to communicate and access information and databases at a distance- workplaces can exist ANYWHERE!

The diffusion and use of ICTs:

*the mobile revolutions allowed bit workers to be productive with laptops and smartphones while away from their desks. Allowed networked workers to work from multiple locations.

*Found that those who have internet access at work are spending the equivalent of an entire workday per week using the internet. ICT's make it easier for workers to relax at work: 22% shop online, 15% watch videos, 10% use social media 3% play games. 
* despite all this, workers tend to be more productive, flexible, collaborative, and better connected. They also work longer hours and are more distracted and stressed though. 

How Networked Workers Operate:

*boundaries in networked organizations are permeable, fostering workers' interactions across departments. 
* the structure of networked organizations is more flexible, laterally coordinated, team based, and boundary spanning. 
*creativity is encourage/flexible arrangements with bosses and peers
*Networks may be larger as employees shift amongst groups locally and virtually
*social interaction has been found to be important element in productivity. Staff that socializes and trades information tends to do their jobs better. 

Google was described as "the best example of a networked- based organization". After reading the descriptions of their environment, I want to work for Google!

The Rise of Networked Organiztions:

* Networked workers are more likely to know and collaborate with colleagues outside of their immediate units. When people work in fluid teams they have more reporting relationships and fewer single-hierarchy relationships. 

*distributed work can mean physically disconnected work. Yet employees can still get work done.

The section that stuck out the most to me was " Blurring the Home-Work Boundary"
in this section the discussion is about mixing home and work.

* many workers stay connected beyond work hours even on weekends and evening hours. 
* in multiple locations: home, cafes, hotels, at the beach, etc
* employees check email on weekends, vacation days, sick days, before and after work. 
* More than 1/3 of email users check work email on vacation (Guilty of this). 

By contrast atom workers barely ever telework 

*it is said that telework reduces stress, allows more flexible work schedules, avoids interruptions in the office. 

I will talk more about this in another Blog posting........
* Many workers also cross the work-home boundary when they do paid work at home. 

Again, this will be part of my next bog post as I cover my reflections of this section of the chapter. 
* Teleworkers who work entirely from home may feel isolated due to the lack of face-to face communication with colleagues. 

Networked work on and offline:
* Technology neither creates not organizes work relations by itself. It affords possibilities. 

* ICTs convey fewer social cues than in-person contacts. That is why people travel to meet in person: to build trust, develop nuanced understanding, and exchange tacit knowledge. 


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