Community Assignment....Decisions...

So I have decided to go Big or Go home so to speak. I am doing all the big assignments as the full versions. So for this first one, I started brain storming and researching right away. Yesterday, like a lot of you, I started in on this week's work and did much of the prep work . I began thinking of ideas and communities and groups that I might want to lurk around in. It's sounds so scandalous to want to lurk in a Facebook group or troll through some YouTube communities or Blog forums, but that's what a lot of us do now anyway isn't it? How many of us belong to like a bazillion groups on Facebook that we aren't ACTIVE participants in? Or subscribe to a YouTube channel that we never leave feedback or interact with? How many of us read each others blogs or social media post and never actually interact, but just scroll on by? I mean isn't this exactly what we have been talking about? Being more than consumers...
So all this being said, here are my complicated choices:

Topic 1: Raising Multiples 
I can look at this through both a YouTube channel and a Facebook group; both I have found and connected with. The YouTube channel is a family raising Quintuplets and the Facebook group is for families with triplets. (Why does this interest me? I have triplets).

Topic 2: Teaching and Learning with Technology 
I can look at this through Facebook, YouTube, and /or Linkedln. I have found a Facebook group about using apps in the classroom, I found two different YouTube channels of teachers with active and thriving accounts, and I have three different possible group connections on Linkedln 
 Although this feels like the easy way to go....

Topic 3: Beauty/DIY nails 
I can look at this through Facebook and a YouTube Channel. I found two  Facebook groups for DIY nails/dip nails at home and I found a YouTube beauty channel specializing in dip nails and DIY.  (Why does this interest me...I just started doing my own nails at home since COVID-19).

All three choices are very different but lend themselves to different perspectives. I'm not sure which way to go. I need to pick soon though so I can get rolling. As of right now, I'm kind of lurking in all of them and just seeing what's going on......
Thoughts? Advice? What's your take? What are you doing for your assignment? 

UPDATE: 5/27
So I have been lurking today in the raising multiples sites/pages as suggested by another classmate....and now I remember why I left these groups and communities years ago. While there are lots of cute pictures of babies, there are also a lot of stressed out and overwhelmed moms. I know, I was one of them when mine were first born. While the support of other multiple moms is amazing, most of us can barely open our eyes and those of us that are past the dreaded first years, don't want to remember those years at all. So, scrolling through the post of new and expecting parents of multiples is depressing. I am the last person that should be offering them advise. They don't want to hear my REAL answers of how this is all going to go down. They want the fantasy answer of how perfect this will be. And for those who are living the crazy nightmare of the first year of raising multiples.....I have tried to block those from my memory and just know that WE SURVIVED. 
So, I am wondering if I should maybe lurk in some other communities for now or see if this nostalgia with pass with time.....
PS. Don't get me wrong, my children are my biggest blessing in the whole world. They are indeed miracles that I thank my lucky starts for every day....I don't regret a single thing I had to go through to have them or any part of raising them. 


  1. As an only child, I've always wanted to have siblings! Of course, having siblings and raising multiples should be definitely two different things, but having triplets sounds so amazing to me. :)
    I was also considering looking at a YouTube channel, but I thought it could be somewhat tricky to count as a community. Though a YouTube channel has subscribers that can constitute a community, random people can come and comment on a video and never visit it again. There could be meaningful interactions under the comment section, but at the same time, I saw a lot of commenters just say all kinds of things that can't trigger any meaningful interaction. I mean, the subscribers of the same channel might share the same interests, but it could be difficult in a YouTube channel to find a community's norm, a sense of belonging, something like that. So I changed my mind to choose Reddit to look into as it seems that subreddits have more evident features of community. When I googled, I found a subreddit called r/parentsofmultiples. Check it out when you have some time!

    1. SoD, thanks. I signed up for Reddit and scrolled through and looked around for a bit but wasn't feeling it. It seemed overwhelming. I just need to sit down and really hone in on what I need to look for on there. This helps. Sometime there is just too much to look at. Thanks for the feedback.

  2. I found some good suggestions for subreddits in the list below the article at The search function it has is awful - I think it's easier to find good subreddits with google.

  3. I am also goinig to choose the full version, but I haven't decided which communities should I select right now...


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