Digital ..what should we call you?

I don't agree with the dividing years so to speak, as I find myself between the two worlds. But in the discussions of generations I am between Gen X and Millennials- an Xennial . This makes it hard for me to connect to either term - digital native or digital immigrant- specifically or completely. 
I do agree with the fact that this current generation of students learns differently and we can't expect to teach them the same way {we} were taught when we were younger. Their world is different and they experience learning differently. Their text is not just on paper anymore and their writing isn't that way either (ie: multimodal). Their world is instant and visual/graphic and has been that way since they were born. They can't always be faulted for it, but they do and should have to learn how to maneuver it. But the same can be said for the rest of all learners out there too, not just the 'current generation'. 

Teachers who don't understand the evolution of the student and their learning and don't evolve with it, will never reach their learners. Plain and simple. But it is the learners job to understand this too....the fact is that we are all learners in today's world. Today's world has created more than just consumers of information and users of information, with the internet and social media....everyone is a producer now too. Technology and the internet has allowed us to broaden our scope of understanding and connections. Even though all of these things are capable for each individual through the use of these platforms and tools, it is up to the user to actually utilize them. So while everyone can be a consumer and a producer, is everyone both? Does everyone understand how to be both? 
The answer is most likely no....
So someone who isn't willing to learn, understand, collaborate, communicate, and create will not go beyond to build the networked communities and organization that are necessary in the digital and physical classroom spaces. 


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