Networks, Communities, Social Media, oh my!

All of these terms get really confusing and mixed up. I have to admit, I am not done with reading the first part of the book readings this week but I have gotten through the first 2 chapters. The first chapter - heck the first few paragraphs- had my mind spinning with connections to so many people, ties, networks, groups, communities, etc. Whatever you want to call these things that social media, amongst other things, has created for me. You see the story of Peter and Trudy probably resonates with many of us. Whether it was us, a friend, a family member, or someone in a social network we participate, we have all had someone we have reached out or stepped up for. We have all probably either started a Gofundme page for someone, shared one, or donate to one. We have all shared a prayer emoji on some social media platform for someone and either retweeted, re-shared, or liked someone's post who needed support. We have all probably been part of something to help someone in need in some way. Think about this... Were they always your family? Your neighbor? Your co-worker? NO, probably not.
Peter and Trudy's story got me thinking about my connection to Social Media. What connections and networks I have created. For better or worse....
Social media has a way of making things spread like wild fire and that can be amazing but it can also be awful. But I also thought about how sometimes these things can be as small as just a text, a phone call, a Facetime, an email (like how it started for Peter and Trudy). Sometimes we don't even know how these things start. It's just organic almost. For much of the current generation, it doesn't require much thinking (I don't think). It's natural and in their blood to go to what they know. Social media and technology has always been part of their life so they natural go to it. But I think for older generations they tend to be more private and maybe unsure of how to proceed with social media especially when it comes to privacy. Another issue I see from older generations with social media is the basis of Maslow's theories of a sense of security and trust.  Studies suggest the hierarchy of needs has changed for Social Media users. Can we bridge the gap between users? Have we started to already?


  1. Hi Jess,
    You mentioned that social media can spread like wildfire. Can you think of any examples of when this has happened?

    1. There are so many examples of Social Media creating times of people just sharing without researching. That's why I love things like Snopes. It's funny because I am always telling my mom to research before she shares things on Facebook. Things like celebrity deaths and even health hacks and information (this has been happening recently) to political drama.
      But sometimes the social media spreads are amazing. For instance, when my husband's best friend was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer a few years ago it started with a simple phone call within the fire department they work in. Now, years after Paul has passed, there have been laws passed, added employee/family benefits and new protocols in the fire departments around the nation to help protect our fire responders from these deadly chemicals they are exposed to each day that build up in their cells. While there is still so much more work to be done to help fight this deadly disease, none of this could've happened without the network of people who shared all of the social media threads that were first started. The department even ended up making a video that won an Emmy! (I can share the media links/coverage of these things with you if you are interested but couldn't figure out how to link them in this reply). I am sure their department wasn't the only one that was part of this, but I do know that before his death, Paul was part of the team that created the 'clean cab' concept and that things like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, GoFundMe, and other platforms like them have helped raise funds, awareness, and change for fire families like ours. Without them, it would've taken a lot longer for the the bills to get passed (if ever) and for 'us' to speak on the House floor in Tallahassee.


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