Web 2.0...What is it?

I took some time this week to explore this idea of Web 2.0. As most of you, I fell into an never ending binge of research and digressed into offshoots of Youtube videos, memes, and links. I came to discuss some of my thoughts on the class discussion board this week but ultimately found that I grew up watching Web 2.0 happen. I watched Web 1.0 become Web 2.0 and watched it grow and evolve to what it is today. I was part of the experience and that is pretty awesome. When this week began (and when I first signed up for this class), I was nervous and confused - I am still a bit- but knowing that I was part of all of this and I am still part of all of this make it more authentic and real. These tools weren't just created to be used, they are being changed and molded by the users. We are the ones that dictate how they are used and how they need to be changed and developed. That is pretty awesome.


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