A New Journey....

So this week we started summer classes. This is a new journey. Why do I say that? Well, not only are we under 'house arrest' with COVID and I've been thrown into emergency distance learning  for the past 6 weeks as a classroom teacher of high schoolers, but I have had to transition my three third graders too. Thanks to having done online learning with FSU the past 2 years though, I have been able to see things from the student perspective. It's been helpful. But enough about that. Why is this a new journey? Well, because I decided to add this online teaching certificate to my degree months ago (pre-COVID) and that has landed me in these classes. I don't really think I knew what I was signing up for. But here we are. I have to admit, when I first looked at the Canvas page and the material, I was overwhelmed. I still am a little bit. I am hopeful though that I will get through this with the help of all of you. I can write, THAT I know, so I am hoping that I can just relax and explore and let this journey take me where I need to go.
So I did a thing this week....I joined Twitter. I have always said I hated Twitter. I always believed it was where people went to talk politics and stalk celebrities. But I guess I needed to get over that and try for this class. So I pushed through and joined. I immersed myself in the full experience too. So if you are wondering who this lady is that is following you...it's me. I found you and I followed you.


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