Laying it all out there...

I guess this is what part of this class was about right? Learning to embrace and establish (to 'brand') our online presence both professionally and personally. That is what social media is essentially about after all in the end isn't it? Isn't that the end game of these tools? 
After a lot of thought and struggle with the NKA assignment, I came to the decision to revisit something I started a long time ago. Blogging for this class has had me thinking about the blog I started when my children were just about a year old. I've been a writer as long as I can remember; poetry, stories, lyrics, whatever. I have always found it healing for my soul and mind. I think a lot and about everything, I tend to over think and over analyze and I tend to have racing thoughts at times. Writing has always calmed my mind. In the past, the writing has been mine and no one ever had to see it. I would write, let go and move on. But the idea of blogging and letting the world in on my world and my thoughts was scary. It still is. 
I realized that my story is unique but at the same time it is not. There are those who can learn from it, build from it and I can inspire. I realized that if there is just one person reading what I'm putting down that connects with me, that I help, that I inspire, that I lift up, that I help through the day, that I can make laugh, or whatever the case is, then it's worth it. So, I took the leap and started back up my old blog- Triplicity. Well, I started a new one and linked the old one in the new one since I had trouble getting the edit rights back from the original blog. I altered the name a bit but kept the 'brand' so to speak. As much as I hate to admit it most times, we are a bit of a unique family. I mean we do have triplets. For us, we don't know any better, but for the rest of the world...IT'S SO COOL! I guess I have to embrace that and remember that not everyone carried 3 babies in their belly at the same time. My children are my world and my miracles. So, if you are interested in following me on my journey as I raise my triplets, check out the other blog and subscribe. There is always something going on :) It's not John and Kate +8 or Outdaughtered but we always have something going on here...........TLC would've had to edit the crap out of our show! LOL. 


  1. That is a good idea. Cool that you are going back to sharing you voice. I hope that it goes well.
    Are you planning on sharing your blog on other social media platforms?

  2. Thanks for the support. I have been sharing the blog on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I will also keep sharing the links to new post here for those who have chosen not to be on social media right now.


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