Rough Day

I have been trying to work on my assignments all day. I have had all intentions of getting work done. I set aside time this morning to work. Nope. Kids. Set aside time this afternoon. Nope. Phone call. Drama. Brought my computer to the skating rink while my daughter skated and made the other two kids bring their iPads to play video games. Bingo. Nope. Emails. Phones call. Drama. I'm home. Kids in bed. Now I can work? Nope. Emails again. Drama. 
I am so done. Mental Fatigue is real people. 
I have spent the whole day dealing with something that could have been avoided if I just didn't say one thing via email. Someone took something I said that happened to be in the same email as another topic and put the two topics together and combined them. All hell broke loose. I have spent the whole day back tracking and explaining and defending my character. I should let it go, but I can't. This person is too important in my network and my community. 
There's too much going on in this world and too little human contact. I know if I had had this conversation with this person face to face, it would've gone a lot differently. I haven't seen them in months. Both of us have a lot going on in our lives. The lack of human[kind] has worn its way through for many people and over the last few months I have felt the tension and annoyance build in many conversations I had with many others. People are on edge.
I need to be back with my community. I need to discuss these types of conversations with them in person. I think I'm reaching the point where email and text just isn't cutting it anymore with some people......


  1. That's tough, sorry to hear that.. I can relate to you. The conversation only through texts can easily make misunderstandings. And as I couldn't get an immediate reaction from the counterpart, I often can't stop thinking after sending an email what if the receiver got me wrong. It's stressful living without real interaction with others!!

  2. That is rough... I love spending time with my kids but trying to balance everything is a real challenge.
    We have been forced to replace much of our physical community with virtual interactions. The conversion of those modes does not always translate well.


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