Twitter for the win today...

So those who know me well, know that I have always hated Twitter. This was before I ever had a Twitter account and was ever asked to use it. So yes, an unjust assumption of it. I always believed that Twitter was for celebrity stalking and politics. While I do still believe that this is mostly what goes on there, I am starting to find more on Twitter. It is a jumbled mess of a social media platform but if I can just learn to navigate it, it might be useful. 
When I joined, I decided to take the full plunge.  I not only started trying to follow class hashtags and classmates, I tried to follow interest and topics. This being said, I follow some music and bands that I love. While I love a lot of music, I decided to only follow my very favorite bands. Anyway, I happen to have concert tickets to one of these said bands. The concert was supposed to be May 3rd. Now this band was huge in the 90s. I happen to be a big grunge baby from the 90s and love this band- The Smashing Pumpkins. I never saw them tour when I was a teenager and they 'broke up' eventually. About two years ago they got back together and set out on tour. I swore if they ever toured again I would get floor seats.....AND I DID! I sat 17th row and it was amazing! I thought that was it for my journey to seeing the Pumpkins. The concert was so amazing that I couldn't believe that I never saw them when I was younger. I was deflated thinking this was it and I would never have that raw energy and feeling of seeing them live again. My husband, who is older than me (and a 80s hair band guy), really enjoyed the concert and downloaded all their music when we got home. I knew this couldn't be the end for us. 
Fast forward to January, and I hear news that they are going to tour again and that they will be making a stop in our county. I set a timer and get online to get in line to get tickets. I got kicked out of line and off line a thousand times trying to get tickets (and this tour happened to be one where they were focusing on smaller venues, so tickets were more expensive and harder to get good seats). After two days of relentless searching and online clicking and back channeling, I finally had great seats at a decent price. I was so excited.
Then came March....the COVID virus shut down the world. The concert was postponed to October. That was fine. I can handle that. I can wait to see them. Even if they did reschedule it for a Wednesday night during the school year and it's a shift day for my husband. I'm okay with that. We will get a sitter, my husband will get his shift covered. It's fine. 
Fast forward again to today...Scrolling Twitter today while sitting at the skating rink as my daughter has her skating lesson....

They cancelled the tour! While I completely understand, I wish they would've rescheduled for next year. 
Why did I say Twitter for the win? Well, Livenation hasn't updated this yet. I haven't received any notifications yet. I saw this come across on Twitter first in real time from the band. That's why. (Yes, I double checked and referenced the information via multiple sources on the internet before I got upset). 

Then I checked another concert I have scheduled in August (for another old 90s band :). Yep, that one has been Postponed...but no new date yet. 
This Twitter post, did prompt me though to contact the seller of the other tickets to find out what they plan on doing to help guest out since tickets have an expiration date on them.
So yes...Twitter for the win today, even though I lost out on an awesome concert experience. 
Hopefully, the Pumpkins tour again next year, and hopefully I can get awesome seats again:)


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