Captions ON!

So I think the whole world is watching Hamilton today. I can honestly say that before today I had never seen it. I never understood the hype...until today. While I understand that this show has nothing to do with our class, I came across something from a friend via social media that made all the difference for a first time viewer like myself and my children. 
One of my very good friends happens to be a performer, an opera singer (few records) and has been a theater geek her whole life. She pushed out a post the other day that made a world of difference. She recommended that anyone who hasn't seen the musical or listened to the music already (doesn't know it well), to put the captions on when watching the musical on Disney+. She said they would appreciate the writing and the musical more. I can not thank her enough for this.
As my children and I sat down to watch this morning, we put the captions on and I was immediately drawn in. As a writer and a lover of poetry (and therefore rap and hip hop lyrics), I was taken away by the rhythms and words plays. The history, the music, the playing with the words, it all made me want more. 
I don't think I would have appreciated it as much had I not had the captions on. 
*Plus kids were reading :)
So, after we watched, I gratefully pushed out my thank you to my friend...via social media...tagging her. And then another friend asked about the captions in my post. So while I learned something new from my friend, someone else learned that thing from me.....And we all learned about Alexander Hamilton today :)
*including my kids


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