Final reflection

Well this is it. The end of the semester and the close of this class. It has been great blogging and reflecting on our learning. I have enjoying getting to know all of you through your blogs and your work. I am hoping to continue getting to know many of you through our social media connections and to continue to have those network connections. It has been a crazy summer and a tiring one. This class has provided me with more than I could ask for and each of you have influenced my learning in your own way. 
Some of you gave me confidence and encouragement without even knowing it (and some of you straight up said it). Some of you challenged me through your work ethic, your words, and your passion. And some of you touched my soul with your openness and candor. 
Thank you Dr. Dennen for being an amazing professor and being there for each of us. You are a leading example of how to teach online and still have connections with your students. Thank you Omer and Bruce too, you have been amazing!
So EME6414, thanks for a great semester. 


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