Google Earth and other technology tools in the Social Studies classroom

As a Geography teacher, Google Earth becomes a valuable part of my classroom. Beyond using Google maps personally though, I had not used Google Maps in the classroom until two years ago. 
When I was working on a National Geographic Educator Certification , I discovered some awesome resources, one of which was Google Earth. 
The use of technology has expanded the Social Studies classroom. In the past, students looked at globes or standard maps and read pages of textbooks. Without any experience, any visits to any places, the content was simply that, content and information. Students were unlikely to make connections. 
Now with technology, students CAN visit places. They CAN have experience and make connections. 
With Google Earth, we can take students anywhere in the world. They can drop into street view and walk the streets of Paris. 
With Virtual Field trips, we can take students to museums and they can experience paintings and historic artifacts up close and have guided tours. We can go to National Monuments, Forest and other famous places on Earth that students may never get to visit. 
With technology, we can connect students to other people and places in the world. They can learn about culture, history and current events first hand. They can be connected to the global community. This creates a group of people connected and engaged to the material and content instead of just reading about it. When people have a global perspective and understand the world beyond the one outside the walls of their own town, they are more culturally competent and culturally aware. This helps to prepare them to be global citizens both online and offline. 


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