I can't help myself....

Ok so I know wrote already about the drop of Hamilton on Disney+ the other day and how it was my first time seeing it or even hearing the music. But I can't help myself. I can't believe that I never listened to this music before. I can't believe that anyone who knows me never made me listen to it before. While the musical is visually wonderful it is the music and it's lyrics that have me in Awe. 
Let me explain. 
From my middle school years, I have been someone who has connected with music lyrics on somewhat of a spiritual level. I would spend hours in my room listening and analyzing lyrics. I love all music and fell in love with the grunge and alternative scene and the rap/hip hop music; each for their own unique styles and what they brought to music. 
For rap and hip hop, I was fascinated with the rhythm and meter, the timing, the connection, and the vocabulary. Now while there are those out there that are vulgar and not a good representation of the quality of the music, there are those who showcase the standard and intricacies of it. 
The musical Hamilton was able to connect the modern writing and music while telling a historical story (I have a love of history). It is truly the writing and the music that makes this musical. I can listen to the music over and over again. 
*for those of you that didn't know the writer is the same one that wrote the Moana songs...so that explains things a bit.....can't stop singing them....well written)

Some of the lines in the songs have such great themes and teachable moments. I just might have to find a way to sneak these into my lessons next school year.....

Such great timing on the release of this, July 4th weekend... and a bit reflective for our nation right now. There is so much to discuss and analyze from this from the music and writing to the casting choices. I even see the ability to integrate social media as media has played such a big part in Hamilton the musical and America's history (and Broadway, politics, etc). So much to play with if I can get creative. 

I'm honestly just excited about being excited about something and having something that makes me feel good inside. My head started spinning when I heard the music and my brain flooded with a million things. It was a rush of excitement. It was like being that kid in my bedroom again with a new album as I sat and listened to every song over and over trying to figure out what the artist was trying to get across. 


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