Online teaching for real this time?

I have been more than thankful for the last 2 weeks that Dr. Dennen has given us to recharge. I have recently been asked to take on an online summer class. I will be doing an online 3 week class for 3 hours a day teaching reading and writing skills for 4th and 5th graders. I am a bit nervous as I have not taught these grade levels in almost 20 years (and I'm teaching online). While my degree and certifications are in Elementary Education, I spent the majority of my career teaching 6th-9th grade (I am certified in these other grades also). These last few weeks, I have spent researching and building a solid 'curriculum' for this class. Interestingly enough, I have three 4th graders I can use as a focus group and gain insight from. 
I have put together something that I think is wonderful and I hope the students will enjoy and parents will find 'worth the time and money'. 
I have utilized Google Classroom, Jamboard, Flipgrid, Actively Learn, and Nearpod. This will be my first fully online teaching experience that was not an emergency remote plan. 
Let's see how it goes...I start tomorrow morning!


  1. That sounds like an interesting new challenge! I wish you luck and hope your students enjoy all of these fun tools!


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