I think I finally figured this out....feedback welcome....

So I have been more than confused as to what to do for my Produsage assignment. I think I finally have something though. 
Since I teach English and Geography, I could do this in either subject but I am actually trying to prove to my administrator that you don't need to be 'sitting together' in a classroom to do literary circles. So I thought I could use this assignment to prove my point. Two birds...one stone kind of thing? 
So using one of my book circle ideas that I have been working on this summer, maybe I could use Padlet to have students curate supplemental materials to guide and support discussions about topics/themes in their book. All the books I have chosen for my circles throughout the year are focused on central themes . I was thinking of using either the group of novels centered around 9/11 and post 9/11 (war and terrorism and cultural bias) or group of novels centered around BLM & implicit bias/identity.
Students can each create their own Padlet board or maybe each group (groups are those reading the same book) should share one? I'm not sure what the best call is here.
Students can then add to the Padlet boards and comment on the materials curated.

Then using Flipgrid, they can have discussions and 'debate' ideas. This would facilitate the literary circles. I can pose questions to lead off the discussions and I can also allow students to pose questions to each other based on the reading and materials. Students can use their found materials in the Padlet boards to support their discussions (evidence) about the ideas and themes in the book. Students can tie direct quotes and events from the novel to secondary sources they have curated in their Padlet boards. 

Advice? Thoughts? 


  1. Isn't it wonderful when what you need to do in class aligns with what you need to do in work? This sounds like a nice lesson. I like that they have multiple opportunities to interact and learn from each other.


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