International perspective...part of my PLN?

If you read my blog often or scroll through my Twitter feeds, then you probably already know that I am a Global Ambassador for Pen Pal Schools. If you have not heard about them, they are an amazing platform that connects students from around the world to practice writing, collaborate on projects and make friends. The platform has also become a space for educators to connect and collaborate. We are able to connect via the platform and via social media platforms. The platform is growing and transforming and with the new features coming this school year, we will be able to connect our classrooms to collaborate on projects and students will be able to seek answers to specific topics and questions from students and classrooms in locations around the world.
I have the honor of being a Global Ambassador for this platform and this means that I get to meet monthly with the other ambassadors virtually. Being able to meet and discuss the platform, collaboration, curriculum, ideas, and more is an amazing experience. We get to do breakout rooms where we discuss current events, culture, diversity, social norms for different countries, trends, and so much more. 
At the last meeting, I was in a break out room with some teachers from Chile, Ukraine, and South Africa. Since we were all at different points in our school years and with different schedules and protocols, we discussed tools that we can use with the PPS platform and lessons we can build. It was nice to hear different perspectives and to hear first hand what was happening around the world in classrooms. 
I'm so glad to be part of this group of educators and to be able to have the group of people to talk to each month or so and bounce ideas off of. I guess I could say this group and platform is a big part of my PLN.....


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