
I'm trying to get the last of all this semester's work done. We have the PLN assignment, participation logs, and blogs. I have another class that has a big technology project due this week also. I've been teaching an online class that ends this week so while I'm teaching all this week, I am also closing out that class. On top of that, as odd as it feels, emails are trickling in for the start of the new school year. I just saw a preliminary roster/schedule today for my classes and I have more meetings this week than I want to deal with (I'm on too many committees and do too many things). 
I'm excited and exhausted all at the same time. I like being busy but at the same time, I have no interest in doing any work. It's a weird feeling. I've been doing some reading too, at first I was reading some books that I have been previewing for my book club idea (the one I used for my Produsage assignment) and now that I have read most of the books I was previewing, I am doing some personal reading, you know light reading, "Alexander Hamilton" by Ron Chernow :)
And the kids aren't helping with my procrastination either. They decided to put Disney+ on today on watch much for working. Let the singing and dancing commence! It's been quite a journey having the kids home (and not in camp or in school) while I have been working and going to school. 
I'm pushing through though and trying to keep a positive attitude. Humor keeps us healthy :)


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