No Talking?? Could you DO it?

So I am teaching an online class to 4th and 5th graders right now and we are reading the book "No Talking" by Andrew Clements together. I've been really thinking about the whole concept of the book and childhood and school and growing up and everything. I asked the students if they thought they could do the experiment from the book. While most thought it might be challenging for school, they didn't think it would be too hard around their friends or family. The reality is, the majority of society can function without talking nowadays. With the use of cellphones and emojis along with body language, we can all communicate without even saying a word. And while we may not think about it, our children are very capable of doing this. Don't believe me? Tell a class of students that they can't talk the whole class period. I promise they will find a way. 
During midterm exams, students have to be silent. I am not allowed to dismiss students until the exam period is over even if the entire class is finished with the exam AND they must remain silent until the end of the class period (this is because other classes in the same building are testing also). I have seen some very creative students over the years in the last 5-10 minutes of the period. 
When I thought about my generation- pre-cell phone and social media- I thought that it was not possible that I could do the experiment. I was always talking. I was always on the phone. But then I thought about it. I realized that I was curious. That was the real intention behind my talking and phone calls. I asked questions. I sought feedback and answers. I wanted opinions and wanted to hear other people's thoughts. 
I realized that if I grew up in this generation, I might not have talked as much. The reality is, that now I can find all my answers through a Google search. I can read through forums, lurk in Facebook groups, scroll through Twitter feeds, and so much more. I am talking and asking still, but in another way and another form. 
I'm not saying that talking too much is a bad thing. But sometimes, we need to listen more. Lucky for me, I learned to stop and listen when I asked my questions....and the internet came along just in time to answer my questions as fast as I was asking them. For people like me, the access to the instant answers calms our minds and allows us to focus on the conversations taking place and the relationships being built. Writing and Speech skills are integral life skills. Therefore, we must know how to do them both properly and in what situations each is appropriate, formally and informally. 


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