From the mouth of children...

As a mom, it is my duty to make sure my children understand what is going on. I wanted to highlight and reflect on some key words and phrases from my 9 year olds over the last weeks...
When asked about what happened (and has been happening), I explained as best as I could what was going on without getting too complicated. Some key things my children have said were this (and remember there is no context behind these; if you would like the context, I can explain further):

1. "but mommy not all cops are bad. A bunch of our friend's daddy's are cops and our neighbors are too. We know them and their families. They are good people"

2. "why are they protesting about race again? I thought we handled this already with Martin Luther King Jr.?"

3. "Why is it okay for all these people to be out in groups in the streets but we couldn't go on vacation and the big kids at the school couldn't graduate? I thought there was a virus"

4. "Why does it even matter what color someone is? Are they nice or not? That is what should matter....."

I have three 9 year olds and each of them have responded to these events similarly. For the most part, they just want to be with their friends. And for them, their friends are from every different culture and race. They are confused with the whole situation. As a parent, I have tried to explain what's going on, but they go to a school that is diverse and accepting. We have taught them to be open minded and to see people for who they are and not what they look like. They have know this since they were born as not only does our family consist of biracial, hispanic and mixed members (my nephews/their cousins, their uncle), we also have family members with autism and other physical, mental, and behavioral limitations. We have close friends with handicapped children and friends and family in the LBGTQ community. 

I had a thought the other day when in a conversation with a family friend about my daughter's eating habits....
We were discussing the fact that she has strange habits....
1. she eats the crust of the pizza first and then the pizza
2. she orders breaded chicken tenders and takes off the breading because she doesn't like the grill marks of grilled chicken
3. She takes the skin off the hot dog and eats the inside..
4. she eats the cheese from the inside of the mozzerella sticks

When I asked her why she does all this, she simply replies "because it's what's in the inside that's the best mom!" and that my friends is from the mouth of children.......


  1. How does she take the skin off of a hotdog? That sounds labor intensive!

    1. It is, but as she has taught me, the reward (and the wait) are worth it......peeling back the layers and taking our time can sometimes lead to a much more rewarding experience.....


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